If you haven’t yet graduated from high school or are in the midst of transferring schools, no worries! Once you’ve sent back your signed contract, why statement, form of ID, and photo, we can confirm you as the scholarship winner and place your money in a savings account until you are enrolled in a post-high school program. Once you are enrolled in school, please reach out to our Scholarships Team at scholarships@dosomething.org with the mailing address for your school’s financial aid or bursar’s office (this may be different from their physical address) and your student ID number and we’ll take it from there!
Same goes if you are transferring schools and would prefer to use your funds towards your new school. Once you’ve sent back your signed contract, why statement, form of ID, and photo, we can confirm you as the scholarship winner and place your money in a savings account until you have enrolled in your new academic program.
If you have already graduated from college, you can use your scholarship money towards an academic program or course anytime before you turn 26 years old.
Have more questions about our scholarships? Feel free to visit our Help Center.